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الخميس، 12 يناير 2017

la vida et belle

Hoy es el día de los Reyes Magos y todos nos hemos levantado con la ilusión de ver qué nos han traído. Los adultos y los niños nos sorprendemos con nuestros regalos. Todos hemos regalado y hemos recibido regalos. Así que hoy me he acordado de alguien muy especial que conocí en Ajgal, la pequeña localidad donde se encuentra el drago. Era bastante tarde, el sol empezaba a caer y el frío comenzaba a hacer acto de presencia. Habíamos pasado el día allí y habíamos estado jugando con los niños, repartiendo peluches y pequeñas sorpresas para todos. Las mujeres se me habían acercado en el último momento, cuando supieron que tenía ropa nueva para los niños y los bebés. Habíamos comido con una familia. En fin, el día llegaba a su término y nos dirigíamos al coche rodeados de niños. De repente empezamos a oír a alguien que gritaba. Los gritos eran fuertes; alguien nos hablaba desde lejos. Abdou y yo nos giramos. Bastante lejos había una mujer que nos gritaba. Iba tapada completamente con un velo blanco característico de esa zona que impedía verle la cara, pero me di cuenta enseguida que era una señora mayor. Seguía gritando. Abdou me dijo: “Está pidiendo un muñeco. Dice que es para ella”. Me sorprendió porque las mujeres allí prácticamente no hablan, mucho menos piden nada y, desde luego, no piden nada a gritos a extranjeros. Sin embargo, no se acercaba, permanecía a unos 20 ó 25 mts de mí, apoyada en una esquina de la casa y detrás de una roca

photo nature

الأربعاء، 11 يناير 2017

shopping internet

tout en humain arabes se soucie ce qui est porté régit le peuple de confusion, il y a des personnes nommées marque est le propriétaire du site الفايسبوك capitale 44 milliards de dollars ويلبس T-shirt couleur grise tous les jours pendant 10 ans de la dernière, il y a un homme nommé Steve Jobs son entreprise Apple sa vie sont tous les porter pantalons Jeanne bleu et la même le démarrage de sport, والميلياردير Richard Branson porter une courte et T-shirt. votre rêve qui porte البذلة لتبدوا succès? afin que vous chargé de projet, واكيد sera l'employé avec succès lorsque l'un de ceux qui ne se soucient بلباسهم. il y a le propriétaire d'une compagnie publicité arabes vérifier millions de dollars par an, un bien portant le même robe de ce que je lui a demandé pourquoi est-m'a dit au bureau je ont la même البذلة double beaucoup de temps à se salir discernable comme son afin de ne pas perdre mon temps en pensant à l'usure واركز ma pensée dans une chose est comment passer mon projet à niveau le pro- وازيد il transmettre la présente est d'autant placebo.


Home / Culture, Tourism / types tourism types of tourism by: Mohammed Abu Khalif - Last update: 01:57, April 14, 2014 related to the tourism importance of tourism in Jordan, the definition of the contents of one types of tourism, religious tourism 1.1 1.2 Medical Tourism 1. 3 Social tourism, conference tourism 1.4 1.5 1.6 sport tourism shopping tourism leisure tourism 1.7 1.8 1.9 Tourism cultural Tourism roaming environmental Alaahh 1.10 1.11 1.12 Adventure Tourism Tourism cars and bikes 1 0.13 1.14 tourism exhibitions over the world visit the cities in 2013, types of tourism, religious tourism is the individual to move from his place of residence to the holy places in the same state or move to another state. Such as visiting mosques and shrines or places of worship such as Mecca and Medina, and this type of tourism strengthens religious faith and revive the spiritual side of medical tourism an individual visit, for example, health spas, mineral water and therapeutic clinics and many others, with the goal of this tourism is the treatment of the body from disease in the centers, for example, possess competencies high, with entertainment psychology Social tourism do individual and collective trips in vacation days to entertain and increase psychological and physical activity for them and be with many groups are certain companies responsible to provide them with a wonderful atmosphere and organizes them an appropriate program of places to visit and provide them with accommodation conference tourism flourished this tourism with developments that accompanied the economic, political and cultural fields, Vsaahh conferences would be doing a variety of conferences in different countries and go to individuals to attend with entertainment, so that they are equipped to places of residence halls to attend conferences and means of communication ..

الثلاثاء، 10 يناير 2017

photography 3

8 / abstract photography: The Art of Imaging Arts, stripping the topic of what the eye sees, in other words: shoot the thing in a certain way raise questions in the mind of the recipient is not necessary to clarify the picture as an idea and a concept or be the meaning is clear and readable for the recipient, but to open up perceptions no limits in the imagination of the viewer. 9 / Photojournalism: Photojournalism depends on seizing opportunities primarily on the speed and the photographer and Nebahth and its potential to know the remarkable footage attractive task for the event, and we must be realistic and clear and understandable and is partially opaque to the viewer. 10 / sports photography: sports photography is part of photojournalism, and is considered seize opportunities where something very important. The success of any sports image must Sports Illustrated familiarity and knowledge of the methods and ways of every sports game to increase opportunities in capturing distinctive images. Zoom lenses are used after a long focal length to shoot sporting events or the status of sports photography in the small cameras. 11 / still life photography: photographing is fixed things, images of the article consists (element or several elements) are often working on the silent images of nature inside Alastaidio to coordinate elements and lighting. And it is used extensively to film ads; because they need enough time, precision and care in choosing the elements unlike the press photos that need to speed. 12 / filming advertising: is filming commercials or other categories, and be focused on the product and its kind. 13 / Aerial Photography: The Art of Imaging Arts and depends on taking shots and pictures from the air by helicopter or civilian aircraft, or from very high places. 14 / Imaging Architect: is filming buildings and to highlight the beauty of art in ways that ancient, there are two types of architectural photography ..

photography 2

Photography or photography or photography is to produce images process mediated by lighting effects; rays are reflected from the scene to be fiction within the photosensitive material, then the address of this article after that, it yields a picture that represents the scene. Photography is also called photography. And the word Photographer (Photography) derived from the Greek, meaning drawing or writing with light. Types of photography: 1 / nature photography: photographing nature must take into account the existence of the earth, sky and water - if any - blending these natural formations with a moon or stars at an angle and the lighting gives a certain photographer impressive results. The best times for landscape photography is a sunset or sunrise with a drag-and-control-driven and be shadows. 2 / urban life: is all that expresses the life of the city and what is going on in the streets of living events. 3 / photography Night: photography Night has a specific time, the ideal time for imaging is after sunset minutes or before sunrise, when the sky the color of a dark blue, and are not using the flash in night images and needs a tripod for the camera (camera) or placed on the surface Fixed. 4 / wildlife photography: is filming wild animals and life in general of birds, reptiles and others. This type of imaging requires precision and control to snap the best photos of the animal with a comprehensive study of the environment object prior to imaging to locate the presence of animals and their breeding time. 5 / black and white: Ancient Art There are several choices of images can be used white and black technique on them. Preferably image containing white grades are all black and temperatures of close to seven degrees to complete excellence. Some digital cameras there is the black and white photography option and some cameras do not have this option, but the photographer can convert images to black and white by the accompanying software for your camera or software (Photoshop) rich from the definition.

photography and photosop

Photography or photography or photography is to produce images process mediated by lighting effects; rays are reflected from the scene to be fiction within the photosensitive material, then the address of this article after that, it yields a picture that represents the scene. Photography is also called photography. And the word Photographer (Photography) derived from the Greek, meaning drawing or writing with light. Types of photography: 1 / nature photography: photographing nature must take into account the existence of the earth, sky and water - if any - blending these natural formations with a moon or stars at an angle and the lighting gives a certain photographer impressive results. The best times for landscape photography is a sunset or sunrise with a drag-and-control-driven and be shadows. 2 / urban life: is all that expresses the life of the city and what is going on in the streets of living events. 3 / photography Night: photography Night has a specific time, the ideal time for imaging is after sunset minutes or before sunrise, when the sky the color of a dark blue, and are not using the flash in night images and needs a tripod for the camera (camera) or placed on the surface Fixed. 4 / wildlife photography: is filming wild animals and life in general of birds, reptiles and others. This type of imaging requires precision and control to snap the best photos of the animal with a comprehensive study of the environment object prior to imaging to locate the presence of animals and their breeding time. 5 / black and white: Ancient Art There are several choices of images can be used white and black technique on them. Preferably image containing white grades are all black and temperatures of close to seven degrees to complete excellence. Some digital cameras there is the black and white photography option and some cameras do not have this option, but the photographer can convert images to black and white by the accompanying software for your camera or software (Photoshop) rich from the definition.


.. Evolution of this concept, which does not Nnevk him never, since time immemorial and is our main concern, which occupies our thinking in all aspects of daily life, how we evolve and how they move forward to achieve the desired goals less time and with minimal effort. If evolution that surrounds us in this critical, there is no doubt that the internal development of each person or the so-called self-development or self-development is also important, Fbttaiwir ourselves to develop around us. Self-development "is the approach or method to develop and acquire the skills, information, and behaviors that make the man feel satisfied and inner peace, which enables it to achieve its objectives and dealing with various obstacles that face." The whole psychologists and social behavior that the human being develops from birth, as the family is his teaching, and the school as well, but the real development of the human being is a self-evolution, where gaining positive behaviors in himself and strengthened with the passage of time, man is always trying to excel and succeed and wants to excellence and autocratic for others, who shall develop his ideas and abilities and skills which may be in possession of or acquired in one form or another, in order to achieve the objectives of near and far.


.. Evolution of this concept, which does not Nnevk him never, since time immemorial and is our main concern, which occupies our thinking in all aspects of daily life, how we evolve and how they move forward to achieve the desired goals less time and with minimal effort. If evolution that surrounds us in this critical, there is no doubt that the internal development of each person or the so-called self-development or self-development is also important, Fbttaiwir ourselves to develop around us. Self-development "is the approach or method to develop and acquire the skills, information, and behaviors that make the man feel satisfied and inner peace, which enables it to achieve its objectives and dealing with various obstacles that face." The whole psychologists and social behavior that the human being develops from birth, as the family is his teaching, and the school as well, but the real development of the human being is a self-evolution, where gaining positive behaviors in himself and strengthened with the passage of time, man is always trying to excel and succeed and wants to excellence and autocratic for others, who shall develop his ideas and abilities and skills which may be in possession of or acquired in one form or another, in order to achieve the objectives of near and far.

the importence of self

The importance of self-development says: (Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves). The definition of self-development: that is seeking to improve the capacity and personal qualifications and capabilities, such as improving mental capacity and improve communication skills such as listening and good speech and improve the skill of dealing with the self and improve the ability to control the unrest and psychological Highness particular make psychology more skilled and Guo to gain positive behavior and learn to control their emotions and reflexes, they also know the sources of power for the same weaknesses and where to improve it, and summed up as Hmelih to transform oneself to better understand and learn methods of improvement. There are many ways to self-development and can be summarized as: - defining the goal in life is without it life would be an exercise in futility, or suffering continues to combat the problems. - The change that has become a necessity in all the affairs of life. - Reducing the gap between the education systems and skills and information between what the individual actually needs it. - The acquisition of skills and abilities to prosecute the global changes that are occurring around us. - Learn the ways of the actors to deal with the psychological pressures that increase daily on the individual. Among the books she can read to help self-development are: 1 Scientific Section home orbit .. launched towards the summit. 2 Peter Shepherd .. fast reading. 3 David Viscott .. dawn of energy inherent in difficult times. 4 .. Dale Carnegie Public Speaking. 5 .. Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People. 6 Zainab Al-Hazza .. journey towards excellence Island. 7. Sami Ben Khaled Hamoud .. the art of preparing and dumping. 8 (summarized) Syed Sulaiman .. psychology of happiness. 9 d. Salah Rashid .. message and vision. 10 d. Salah Rashid .. How do you plan for your life? . 11 d. Tariq Mohammed Suwaidan .. successful industry. 12 d. Tariq Mohammed Suwaidan .. industry leader.


Self-development and self-confidence to trust the same citadel of sand built very difficult but easy to demolish them, therefore we all have to be confident of ourselves before we trust those who around us and we must do to develop ourselves as well. Vmatna and our character is what sets us apart as human beings, we do not stand out from Gurenaala personality and leadership, self-confident, and for personal self-confident what Alinaala work and perseverance to achieve this goal. And tips for self-development are: 1.hakq happiness that happiness lies in love with the way you feel and be open to the future without fear. Achieving happiness is to accept yourself as they are now. Achieving happiness is not to achieve perfection, or wealth, or falling in love, or possession of power and influence, or know people who you think should be their knowledge, or success in your field. Achieving happiness lies in love yourself with all the current characteristics perhaps not all the parts of yourself worthy of love - but whimsically worth it. You deserve to love yourself with all that is in them now. If you believe that you will be better than you are to be happy and love yourself, you are imposing impossible conditions on yourself. You're the only one who knows the same way you want to know the .ank can pull longer list of less mistakes provoke sympathy .olkink Petrdiedk this list, you will be able to undermine Satk, regardless of their successes and achievements. Know your mistakes, but do not let its existence to become an excuse for not sought by your love for yourself as it is. I know that the best my means only lie in an internal self-made me accept as they are, perform this gesture directly in your life 2.daima Be yourself that people who say they can not afford to be themselves usually claim that someone prevents them from it. How can this be real? How can you be anyone other than yourself? It is possible to stop being yourself in a state of fear from contesting the risk .lkink What then will become under the tutelage of anyone will be based on your protection. Unfortunately, the person who protects you are expected to behave the way you see that you dispose of other .babarh the way in which that person has Banqazk only to follow. If you are afraid to be yourself, it is likely that you terrorize idea to take care of yourself or to hold the reins of your affairs without outside interference. If someone wants to authenticate -sahpetk - quite a bit, but to make the purpose of pick your way in life is to keep the company better than can be accompanied (which of course yourself), do not have to rely on the strength of others. Accept Astqlalk as well as a sense of isolation inherent in him to be ready to behave your way on your own, not as a challenge but as an option. If you are afraid to be yourself, you may be afraid to raise your anger .ank feel the need to harbor anger inside you, or they may get angry person who rely on it to protect you and you stay alive, or afraid to deprive you of the benefits of something that expressed yourself. So you Tkzm Gazk, after a period stationed in the depths of your heart .haniz will hate yourself for your sense of weakness and inferiority, and that you are not yourself. It's really a vicious circle. It was not to fall in Hrkha never if you are as you are. You all exhibition of error, but you have the freedom to correct your mistakes. You may injure others, but you are able to apologize to them and deal with their anger. Others may hurt you, but you feel a degree of inner strength are bound to make you able to love again. Save yourself do what you see in your favor .


Expression on tolerance, one of the attributes of the believers God has commanded us, and His Messenger on tolerance and forget the harm in order to start a new life free of any malice Tolerance is one of the qualities of our noble and we must comply with it. Tolerance is the way to God, love and happiness, a bridge that allows us the paradox of guilt and blame and shame and he teaches us to love the basis of happiness. Tolerance purifies the air and cleanses the heart and soul and makes us connected to everything else, it is a sacred through tolerance we find ourselves tied to what is greater than ourselves, and what is beyond our perception and understanding of the full It invites us to feel the security and moral stability. Tolerance is to forget the painful past at full our will that the decision not to suffer over it and deal with your heart and soul that he choose not to find the value of hate or anger, he abandoned the desire to hurt others because something has happened in the past that the desire to open our eyes to the benefits of others rather of their flaws. There is no doubt that the principle of tolerance is great, because we are all the people wrong, and we need a lot of to forgive us and we dreamed of, to make it known to us owe him never done .... We all make mistakes, and Nznb, and we all need forgiveness. And "Tolerance is the eraser that removes the effects of the painful past," he says: "If pardon nearer to piety" ..oukal God's peace be upon him: "The best ethics of people of this world and the hereafter reach of Kotak and give the Ahramk and forgive those who wronged you. Tolerance makes Heb life less heavier than it is. tolerance creates a world in which we give our love anyone, "tolerance is the shortest route to God. Almsahlh leaving investigate insider people. Allah, the Almighty: (Take amnesty and ordered custom and away from the ignorant (. Teachings of Islamic law to preserve the building family from cracking and the closure of roads leading to discord and division has come. He was at the forefront of the wire this approach is the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and imitated every owner of the same great high mettle, likely for people and Sabra them and accept any available morals and good dealings and overlooked Hfouathm Vosau people's morality and good dealings. he says (Take amnesty and ordered custom and away from the ignorant) he says (and forgive and overlook, do you not wish that God will forgive you Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.) he says (and repress anger and forgive people and Allah loves the doers of good) and said peace be upon him (and God's servant increased amnesty only attributed) and said peace be upon him (Allah forgives not pay, people are paying not forgive), said peace be upon him (Shall I not tell what God raises his grades? they said: Yes, he said, peace be upon him "the dream of ignorance you and forgive those who wronged you and give the Ahramk up from Qtek." He said peace be upon him (from Attah brother Mttqla (ie apologetically) Vlaqubl that right was or vitiating (Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him "wiser people Oadhirhm for people," said Imam Shafi'i what forgiven did Ohakd on a .. Oran myself from their animosities Among the most famous sayings: "tolerance Accessories virtuous"

internet Dollar

All of us sitting in front of the Internet in hours not think to take advantage of the Internet ... and why do not think it's plain and simple, but requires patience and repeat them requires patience till you get a monthly income if we assume you are sitting in front of online two hours a day What happens if allocated less than 15 minutes to take advantage of the truth online, by God, I am not exaggerating but it's the truth allocated only 15 minutes of your time to take advantage of the internet
But how to take advantage of the Internet?
There are many ways to take advantage of the Internet, but the best one and easiest profit from the Internet compared to the pressure on advertising this method of the best and believe the profit ways from the Internet but you must know that the profit compared to the pressure on the ads as investment project as the person who manages the project will understand the meaning of my words in explanation following and a lot of young people who do not have jobs the money they have used this method to compensate for the lack of money they have, but subject varies from one person to another Kalnchat example and patience also, more importantly, where the subject initially have won small but over the days and upgrade your membership at the site profit will increase your profit day by day because you you can buy referrals pushing beneath you and you get to profit versus Dguetathm without being influenced by Barbham where Rewarding from the site you
Start and trust in God achieved a monthly income of up to $ 1,500 and Lanta and Htartk and Almighty God the fact
A lot of people are making-profit income, along with their job
You will not lose anything Start Now
Begin to explain God's blessing with the strongest and most sincere and best Oomnacharkat Profit Proof credibility number of its members, which exceeded the 19 million members Be one of them and make a monthly income you

Internatioanl company Probux

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First: Company Profile

Company is organized as number one now and this for several reasons.
1. Advertising and eighth edition is reasonable and profitable.
2. The number of its members, which reaches more than 20 million members, and the best chance to profit from Alralz and I will explain Alralz.
3-speed payment immediately.
4-stellar profit from leasing.
5. price promotions appropriate memberships.
6-technical support're very good.
7. chat immediately.
8. addicted reliable and high protection from Alhecrz.
9. design magnificence and unique script.
10. there is no room at all for the monument.

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Maximum Riveral: 100
The maximum Riveral lessor: 200

Second: Organic Golden

The upgrade price: $ 72 per year * to the presence of a discount now *
The pressure Price: US $ 0.001-0.02
Pressure Alriveral Price: US $ 0.005-0.01
Pressure Alriveral lessor Price: US $ 0.01-0.02
Secured ads: 8
The maximum direct Riveral: 200
The maximum Riveral lessor: 2000

Third: Premium Membership

Upgrade price: $ 780 per year
The pressure Price: US $ 0.001-0.01
Pressure Alriveral Price: $ 0.01
Pressure Alriveral lessor Price: US $ 0.01-0.02
Secured ads: 10
The maximum direct Riveral: 300
The maximum Riveral lessor: 4000

Minimum withdrawal of $ 5
The drag on the three banks, PayPal and Baeza and Niteleyr

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Each company will give you Alriveral any rental property pay the company a certain amount to hire a number of Alriverz

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Renting Alriverz
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This company is very reliable and trusted owned addicted also always trying to excellence and sit on the throne of companies Profit is the real income you

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May God help us and you


It is a science and art competent to take pictures by recording light or electromagnetic radiation to others, or certain objects, either electronically through the images sensor, or chemically by photosensitive material such as photographic film. It is a particular combination of different types of imaging techniques that offer the viewer a message or a scene in the form of art, and the most important factors that help to get the best images are; the correct angle, and proper lighting, good lens, and it must change lenses depending on the lighting and the type of image to be captured. Typically lens is used to focus the light reflected or emitted from objects to the center of the image on a photosensitive surface of the light inside the camera while taking a picture, and when using the image device-mail is produced electric charge in each pixel (pixel) of the image, which is processed electronically and stored in the image file in digital camera, or it is processed according to the old way of setting images in private solutions inside with very light lighting rooms. Types of photography there are many imaging types, that handles a lot of image capture patterns. In this article we will give you the most important and most prevalent in the field of photography, which is as follows: Fashion Photography: is one of the most common types of work desired when photographers; because it is among the most jobs that earn them higher wages, as it is considered a gateway to enter the world of glittering costumes. Nature photography: The nature photography does not involve taking pictures of plants or trees only, but combines the landscape photography through the eyes of a photographer who highlights and enhances the overall beauty of the area, which is filmed, and mean to take anything outdoors. Wildlife photography: it is the style of photography which is a bit of a challenge for Msurien; because it is a kind of risk, and any photographer who wants to specialize in this area should embrace the good field experience and patience too much to allow him to capture the perfect picture at the right time. Photography black and white: it is the style of classic photography, which highlights the real beauty of the image shows the image more realistic. Filming travel: This type of imaging combines a passion for travel photographer and his passion for photography, which creates a stunning and wonderful images, which are more jobs favored by the paparazzi, because it provides them with the wide range of creativity in taking pictures. Aerial Photography: a kind of imaging that provides pictures of people interesting and new to discover landscapes and areas that can not be seen with the naked eye from the ground, and found a lot of differences between the views of the Earth and the captured images from the air.


Almighty God created the planet, every human needs in order to live and grow and develop and be found in him, man and was able to all functions leads very well because of the exploitation of these different elements, human Linked to these different elements directly or indirectly where the affect it and the extent of its ability to live sound manner, and these elements are called to the environment. The concept of environment, comprehensive and varied, every person looks at the environment from its own perspective and according to their work environment, the environment in general are related to the relationship of human and activities with various surrounding elements, while the concept of environmental language; return to the "Bua" or "held the" means stability and get off at the place certain, which means the return of rights to a particular place settles it. And the first to know the environment they are specialists in biological and natural sciences, ran the ecological environment is defined as human reproduction process and its connections to maintain the descendants of his relationship with living organisms like animals and plants, while in the science of nature, the environment is everything that surrounds the human being from the elements whether living or non-living, which affect humans directly or indirectly. The social, cultural and economic factors are all included in the concept of the environment, human's relationships with others, and the extent of human culture itself linked to the definition of the concept of environmental specialists. Elements of the environment are varied elements of the environment according to the direction in which the definition of the environment in it, where you may include: natural environment: the elements that God deposited on the planet, such as water resources, and air, the soil, the sun, the different climate and elements, and various living organisms from the most accurate to the most complex . Synthetic environment: It is all created by the human on earth elements, and affect him directly and indirectly; such as buildings, factories and cars, and others. Albayh biological: the human and the various living organisms include, and biological environment is considered part of the natural environment. Social environment: includes man's relationship with other living organisms and their relationship to others of his race. Pollution of the environment due to the importance of surrounding human beings environment, the protection and preservation of the different pollutants are linked directly to human health and protect it from diseases linked, has exposed the environment to a lot of contaminants including; contamination of water sources remnants of plants, air pollution rising smoke from factories and cars. The contamination may reach the soil that feed the plants eaten by humans and animals, and other types of pollution, noise pollution, which occurs as a result of rising sounds emitted by cars or construction work, has appeared a lot of new diseases that have affected humans and animals due to the surrounding environment pollution.


True friendship is perhaps the only relation that survives the trials and tribulations of time and remains unconditional. A unique blend of affection, loyalty, love, respect, trust and loads of fun is perhaps what describes the true meaning of friendship. Similar interests, mutual respect and strong attachment with each other are what friends share between each other. These are just the general traits of a friendship. To experience what is friendship, one must have true friends, who are indeed rare treasure.
Friendship is a feeling of comfort and emotional safety with a person. It is when you do not have to weigh your thoughts and measure words, before keeping it forth before your friend. It is when someone knows you better than yourself and assures to be your side in every emotional crisis. It is when you can sleep fighting and get another morning with a better understanding. Friendship is much beyond roaming together and sharing good moments, it is when someone comes to rescue you from the worst phase of life. Friendship is eternal.
Different people have different definitions of friendship. For some, it is the trust in an individual that he / she won’t hurt you. For others, it is unconditional love. There are some who feel that friendship is companionship. People form definitions based on the kind of experiences they have had. This is one relation that has been nurtured since time immemorial. There are famous stories about friends in mythologies of different religions all over the world. They say a person who has found a faithful friend has found a priceless treasure.
Psychologically speaking, friendship may be defined as ‘a dynamic, mutual relationship between two individuals. As children become friends, they negotiate boundaries within which both partners function’. This helps them to function like healthy individuals in life as they learn to draw a line as and when needed in a relation. This greatly helps in the emotional development of an individual. However, any relation needs constant nurturing and development from all the people that are involved in one. Friendship cannot survive if one person makes all the effort to sustain it without any mutual recognition from others.
Since friendship starts the moment a child starts socializing, the kind of friends that the child chooses should be taken care of till the time he / she learns to differentiate between right and wrong. Wrong peers or lack of socializing can lead to severe psychological traumas and disorders, finally leading to social maladjustment. The correct peer group is essential for the development of the personality of a child. Both positive and negative experiences refine the personality of the individual. Thus it is essential that you find friends who are compatible with you on an emotional and psychological basis.


When people talk about England, they often mean Great Britain. There are three countries in Great Britain – England, Scotland and Wales; and each country is very different from the others. If you tell a Scotsman or a Welshman that he’s English, he gets very angry! 

England’s one of the few countries in the world that haven’t got a national costume. The bowler hat isn’t a national costume: it’s what the Englishman wears when he goes to his office; and it’s worn much less today then it was forty years ago. There aren’t many old English songs and dances, either: the English enjoy music much less than the Welsh and the Scottish. 

The Scottish national costume is the kilt. The Scottish don’t wear it every day: only at important times. And the answer to the question that everybody asks is. . . No, the men don’t wear pants under their kilts! 
Scottish music’s played on bagpipes, and there are a lot of Scottish dances that are danced to this music. The most important day of the year for a Scotsman is the thirty-first of December, when all the families have big parties, dance all night. . . And drink a lot of whisky! 

The Scottish are usually shorter than the English! and a lot of them have got red hair. Always remember to call them `Scottish`. They’ll tell you that only whisky’s called `Scotch`. 

The Welsh are quiet people who enjoy music and poetry. Every year, thousands of Welsh people meet for a week to listen to poetry and the music of the harp. At this time, they put on their national costume. The women wear tall, black hats and long dresses, and the men wear short jackets and wide trousers. The Welsh are very good singers, and each town’s got a large choir. 
A lot of Welsh people speak two languages – English and Welsh. They write their poetry in Welsh and watch Welsh television. Some Scottish people who live in the North of Scotland and on the Scottish islands also speak two languages – English and Gaelic. Both Welsh and Scottish people speak English with accents, and it’s possible that you won’t understand them: a lot of English people don’t! 

The Union jack isn’t the flag of Great Britain: it’s the flag of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is English, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; and the Union jack’s made of the English, Scottish and Irish flags. People from all four countries have the same passport, the same Queen and the same government. But each country likes to think it’s got the best footballers! 

types of media

There are advantages and disadvantages of different types of media. General talk about the advantages of media, it helps in promoting products and services. The media can distribute your message to your target market through various sources. Furthermore, because of the availability of various types of media, companies can go to cheap sources of advertising. Some of the disadvantages of the media are as follows: first, and sometimes the letter and presented to the public. Secondly, it can sometimes give the wrong message to the people. Thirdly, the media can increase competition between companies in the industry and companies can indulge in the media war. There are some advantages and disadvantages of different types of media on the link given.


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